Monday 8 November 2010

Harry Callahan

Harry Callahan - Untitled (Atlanta) 1984, Dye transfer print, SFMOMA.

   This image stood out to me for the colour, obviously red has connotations of sex and romance and this being a photograph of a woman’s bottom makes the image scream sex to us even more. I feel that if this woman had not been wearing red, and perhaps black the image would not have been as effective as it is. The red colour is very striking and stands out within the image as a whole, the woman does not blend into the background. 
   The composition is interesting, it looks like Callahan took this image with out the woman knowing which is why we cannot see her face. It appears that Callahan might have taken the image whilst waiting to cross a road, it is a very snap shot image as you can tell Callahan has not taken hours trying to figure out the best composition. Although this may be the case I really like the composition, the woman is pretty much in the centre, positioned slightly to the left. The woman's stance is very interesting, she is sticking her bottom out towards us, something she probably would not have done if she had known that she was being photographed. 
   The detail and depth of this image is amazing, the detail on her dress is so clear and also the detail of the background too, obviously it is slightly blurred but we can still see clearly what is there. There is quite high contrast within this image that means the shadows and lines on her dress are really predominant and make the dress the main point of focus for us. The high contrast also bring the woman out of the frame in a way, it is almost like she is sitting on top of the image, she is in perfect sharp focus, the colour of her dress is bright whereas the background is a little dull and blurry.  
   The image almost becomes more about the shapes and shadows within the image rather than a woman's figure, after a while of looking at this particular image you forget that it is a woman as you start to just concentrate on the shapes and lines of her dress. it is quite a mesmerising photograph. 

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